Degrowth: A radical idea to save our planet

Degrowth is a radical idea that challenges the current economic system. It argues that we need to reduce our consumption and production in order to protect the environment and create a more just society.

9/14/20234 min read

red and white umbrella beside plastic bag
red and white umbrella beside plastic bag


The global economy is based on growth. We are constantly told that we need to grow our economy in order to create jobs, improve our standard of living, and make the world a better place. But what if growth is actually the problem?

What is degrowth?

Degrowth is a radical idea that challenges the current economic system. It argues that we need to reduce our consumption and production in order to protect the environment and create a more just society.

Degrowth does not mean going back to the Stone Age. It does not mean poverty or deprivation. It simply means living within our means and finding ways to meet our needs without consuming more and more resources.

Why degrowth?

There are many reasons why we need to degrow. First, our current economic system is unsustainable. It is based on the extraction of finite resources and the production of waste. This is not a recipe for long-term survival.

Second, our current economic system is unjust. It creates inequality and poverty. It also contributes to climate change and other environmental problems.

Third, our current economic system is not making us happy. We are working longer hours and consuming more and more, but we are not feeling any happier.

How can we degrow?

There are many ways to degrow. Some of the most important include:

  • Reducing our consumption of material goods. This can be done by buying less, buying secondhand, and repairing things instead of throwing them away.

  • Investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency. This will help us to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and their environmental impacts.

  • Relocalizing our economies. This means buying local food and goods, which will reduce our transportation emissions and support our local communities.

  • Changing our lifestyles to be more sustainable. This can include things like walking or biking instead of driving, eating less meat, and living in smaller homes.

  • Changing our values to focus on well-being rather than material wealth. This means finding happiness in things other than possessions, such as relationships, experiences, and nature.

Degrowth and green goods

Green goods are products that are produced in a sustainable way. They can help us to degrow by reducing our consumption of material goods and supporting businesses that are committed to sustainability.

Some examples of green goods include:

  • Locally produced food: This food is grown or raised in the local area, which reduces transportation emissions.

  • Renewable energy products: These products are made from renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

  • Secondhand goods: These goods are no longer being used by their original owners, so they help to reduce waste.

  • Repairable goods: These goods can be repaired instead of being thrown away, which extends their lifespan.

  • Fair trade goods: These goods are produced in a way that benefits the workers who produce them.


Degrowth is not an easy path. It will require a change in our mindset and our behavior. But it is the only way to create a sustainable future for our planet.

By making changes in our own lives, we can support the degrowth movement and help to create a more sustainable future for all.

Here are some stats and data from India and around the world regarding degrowth:


  • India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. However, this growth is not sustainable. India's per capita consumption of resources is already high, and it is expected to grow even higher in the coming years.

  • India is also a major polluter. It is the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.

  • There is a growing movement in India for degrowth. This movement is calling for a new economic model that is based on reducing consumption and production, rather than on endless growth.


  • The global economy is growing at an unsustainable rate. The world's resources are being depleted, and the environment is being damaged.

  • Climate change is a major threat to the planet. It is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, which are produced by economic activity.

  • There is a growing movement for degrowth around the world. This movement is calling for a new economic model that is based on sustainability and well-being, rather than on endless growth.

Here are some specific examples of degrowth initiatives that are being implemented around the world:

  • The Transition Towns movement: This movement is helping communities to transition to a more sustainable way of life. Transition Towns are working to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, grow their own food, and build stronger local economies.

  • The Sharing Economy: The sharing economy is a way to share resources and reduce consumption. This can be done through things like car sharing, bike sharing, and tool lending libraries.

  • The Repair Cafe movement: Repair Cafes are places where people can bring broken items to be repaired. This helps to reduce waste and extend the lifespan of products.

  • The Slow Food movement: The Slow Food movement is a movement to promote sustainable food production and consumption. This includes eating local food, reducing food waste, and supporting small farmers.

These are just a few examples of the many degrowth initiatives that are being implemented around the world. These initiatives are showing that it is possible to live well without endless growth.

Green Goods Guide

In addition to taking steps to support degrowth, we can also make changes in our own lives to live more sustainably. Here are a few more tips:

  • Choose public transportation or walk/bike whenever possible. This will reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Conserve water. Take shorter showers, fix leaky faucets, and water your lawn less often.

  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle. This will help to reduce waste.

  • Support businesses that are committed to sustainability. This will help to create a demand for sustainable products and services.

  • Get involved in your community. There are many ways to get involved in the degrowth movement. You can volunteer for an environmental organization, join a community garden, or start a conversation with your friends and family about sustainability.

By making small changes in our own lives, we can make a big difference for the planet.

  • degrowth

  • sustainable development

  • sustainability

  • renewable energy

  • energy efficiency

  • water conservation

  • waste reduction

  • recycling

  • green goods

  • sustainable lifestyle

  • transition towns

  • sharing economy

  • repair cafe

  • slow food