The Best Indoor Plants for a Healthy, Sustainable Home

Indoor plants are a great way to improve your home's air quality, reduce stress levels, and boost productivity. This blog post discusses the best indoor plants for a healthy, sustainable home and provides a green goods guide to help you find sustainable products for your home.

7/21/20234 min read

green leafed plant
green leafed plant

Indoor plants are a great way to add life and beauty to your home, but they can also be beneficial for your health and the environment. Studies have shown that indoor plants can help to improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and boost productivity. They can also help to regulate humidity levels and reduce noise pollution.

If you're looking for the best indoor plants for your home, there are a few factors to consider. First, you need to think about the amount of light your home gets. Some plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight, while others can thrive in low-light conditions. You also need to consider the size of your home and the amount of space you have for plants.

Here are some of the best indoor plants for a healthy, sustainable home:

  • Snake plant (Sansevieria): This plant is one of the easiest to care for and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions. It's also a great air purifier, removing toxins from the air such as benzene and formaldehyde.

  • ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): Another easy-care plant, the ZZ plant is also tolerant of low light conditions. It's a great choice for people who forget to water their plants regularly.

  • Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum): This plant is known for its air-purifying abilities and its ability to produce new plants, or "spiderettes," that can be propagated and given to friends or family.

  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): This versatile plant can tolerate a wide range of light conditions and is known for its easy-care nature. It's also a great choice for beginners.

  • Peace lily (Spathiphyllum): This plant is known for its white flowers, which bloom in the spring and summer. It's also a good air purifier and can help to remove toxins such as ammonia and carbon monoxide from the air.

  • Fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata): This plant is a popular choice for its large, glossy leaves. It requires bright, indirect sunlight and regular watering.

  • Rubber plant (Ficus elastica): This plant is another popular choice for its large leaves. It's a bit more difficult to care for than the fiddle-leaf fig, but it's still a good option for people who want a statement plant.

  • Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis): This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it's also a great indoor plant. It's easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions.

In addition to these popular plants, there are many other great options available. If you're not sure which plant is right for you, talk to a nursery professional or do some research online.

Green Goods Guide

In addition to choosing the right plants for your home, you can also make a difference for the environment by choosing green goods. Green goods are products that are made from sustainable materials or that have a positive impact on the environment.

Here are a few tips for finding green goods for your home:

  • Look for products that are made from recycled materials.

  • Choose products that are made from organic materials.

  • Look for products that are Fair Trade certified.

  • Choose products that are made in your community.

By choosing green goods, you can help to reduce your environmental impact and support sustainable businesses.

Meta Title: The Best Indoor Plants for a Healthy, Sustainable Home

Meta Description: Indoor plants are a great way to improve your home's air quality, reduce stress levels, and boost productivity. This blog post discusses the best indoor plants for a healthy, sustainable home and provides a green goods guide to help you find sustainable products for your home.


  • indoor plants

  • air purifiers

  • stress relief

  • productivity

  • sustainable home

  • green goods

  • healthy home

  • air quality

  • toxin removal

We hope this blog post has helped you to learn more about the best indoor plants for a healthy, sustainable home.

green snake plant on table
green snake plant on table
green plant near white window blinds
green plant near white window blinds
green leaf plant in pot
green leaf plant in pot
green plant on white ceramic vase
green plant on white ceramic vase
person holding white ceramic mug with green plant
person holding white ceramic mug with green plant
green plant on white and blue ceramic pot
green plant on white and blue ceramic pot
green rubber fig plant
green rubber fig plant
Aloe Vera plant
Aloe Vera plant